What is Heaven's GYRLZ, Inc. ?


Heaven: A place where every GYRL knows her strengths and her potential.

G-girls in their Y- youth R- rallying together to L- learn and be Z- zealous

Our Mission Statement:  To connect with girls who have a need for positive interaction through mentorship, peer groups, and tools for life skill development. 

Our Purpose:  Heaven’s Gyrlz, Inc. will provide a positive and nurturing environment to elementary girls. We will offer an atmosphere conducive to participants gaining life skills and mentorship through ongoing group facilitation. Groups will focus on social skills, life skills, and future academic planning.


Programs: Mentoring, Life skills, and Social groups


*Members of Heaven’s Gyrlz, Inc. will meet every 3rd Saturday and will work on different aspects of self development at every meeting.



Our Founder's Corner

We had a first in the month of August.  We had our very first Board meeting.  This allowed us the opportunity to meet members and let them know what we've been up to for the past year.  Board members were excited about our progress and some even stayed to meet the girls.   


If you havent heard, Heaven's Gyrlz, Inc will be taking their first trip in July 2012.  We are going to the WHITE HOUSE!  Look for an HG member in your neighborhood or email us to find out how you can support our efforts.  As always...................Be safe, Be Blessed. 

Mrs. Lisa

Thank you

We would like to thank the following people for their generosity:  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Dede Tavernir.  We would also like to thank Mrs. Heathers' Franklin for sharing your morning with us.



Girls in their Youth Rallying together to Learn and be Zealous.